
Scams, Or How To Find Who Sux Balls

As in, say, probably some no-name big retail chain stores and such.

Here's a hint: Look it up BEFORE you do business with them.

Here's a list I compiled for myself so I can prevent exposure to shitty-ass customer service and scams. It's worth a read.


THE BEST! They're what BBB should be if it BBB wasn't a privatized agency

Punch in any annoying unknown phone number that shows up on your cell phone or whatever

Go there, scroll down to center of page and enter someone's IP address or website. It'll bring up their private information!

Hate automated phone menus? Press 1 and press 2 and wait and press 8? F*** that! Use this comprehensive list and avoid using precious daytime minutes!

Your daily dose of articles on recent scams

List shitty customer service or look it up!

Same as above, only more colorful

Only good for finding complaints. Not the greatest for looking up a businesse's compliance standards.

Oh, and on a completely unrelated topic...Google, I hate you now. You forced me to sign over my soul in order to keep my account. You used to be cute and cuddly what with your bouncy satellite images from outer-space and easy maps, but that's all changed now. I understand you bought Blogger and that gives you an inflated sense of entitlement to do as you will, but please don't corner me into making a decision I'm not comfortable with. As in, I'm not comfortable that you kept my online journals hostage (and couldn't transfer over earlier posts) and not allowed me the chance to reject your offer to keep my account active as a result unless, UNLESS I submitted to your will. That is all. Your dear pal, Xandrig

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