
All Things Pervvy

Blowup dolls have gone above and beyond the limits in the hands of the Japanese!

"Have you seen 'Wax on Wax Hoff'?
Go to www.waxhoff.com and you can actually wax my chest hair.
It's had six million hits. It's hysterical."-- David Hasselhoff

That thing would knock your teeth out!


In 1977...

In 1977 (the year you were born)

Jimmy Carter becomes president of the US

Most of the 10,000 Vietnam War draft evaders are pardoned by President Carter

Singer Anita Bryant starts her "Save Our Children" crusade against gay rights

Elvis Presley dies in his Graceland bathroom

Congress creates a Department of Energy

Anwar Sadat flies to Jerusalem in a dramatic gesture of willingness to discuss peace

Orlando Bloom, Shakira, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Liv Tyler, and Ludacris are born

New York Yankees win the World Series

Oakland Raiders win Superbowl XI

Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup

Swedish music group ABBA passes The Beatles as having most records sold

Star Wars is the top grossing film

The Shining by Stephen King is published

"You Light Up My Life" by Debby Boone spends the most time at the top of the US charts

Three's Company premieres
What Happened the Year You Were Born?

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